The PiK Foundation was established by a family with a passion for people to feel their best every day and to be free of preventable chronic conditions! PiK’s founding family suffered poor health that required many medical interventions. They learned, too late in some cases, that a large percentage of chronic conditions are preventable through proper nutrition and regular movement. Educating others has now become their legacy.
Physical well-being is multi-faceted. However, accumulating research overwhelmingly shows that daily choices regarding what we eat and how we move go a long way toward establishing good health now and maintaining it in the future. And, the earlier in life these habits are established, the better!
In summary, one key component for establishing and maintaining good health is knowledge about nutrition and movement. Thus, PiK funds programs that provide education in these two areas in hopes that others will not have to face a diagnosis before implementing daily habits that allow them to thrive and be well.
Let’s enjoy wellness! Let’s avoid unnecessary suffering! Prevention is key!
“If you change nothing, nothing will change.”